Customize table product

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Customize table product

Post by mateusvc » 22 Oct 2021, 15:24

Hello, I have an inventory and automotive parts management system with VueJS and laravel and I installed aimeos in the project to sell the parts in e-commerce, the problem is that the aimeos products table is very different from my automotive parts table the columns are different fields and would have to add new fields in the Aimeos product registration form. Can I customize the aimeos product table to look like my parts table?

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Re: Customize table product

Post by aimeos » 23 Oct 2021, 06:37

Sure, but you shouldn't add columns for any property of your products.

Instead, Aimeos has the mshop_product_property table for storing an unlimited number of key/value combinations (and language if you need) for individual properties. In the mshop_product_list table you can store an unlimited number of references to attribute which can be shared across products and which are used to build the filters.

The same way of referencing via the list table applies to texts, images, prices, etc.
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