aimeos extension

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aimeos extension

Post by Mirco » 09 Sep 2015, 11:03

now after my scheduler problem is solved I started to dig deeper in to the aimeos universe.
I would like to extend the system with an aimeos extension but I have some understanding or path problems.

At first I created a aimeos extension with the online tool and uploaded to the Extension folder

I placed my own translation(de.po/de) into the folder /typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Extensions/ne-ddd/client/html/i18n
and it works like expected.

I tried in the next step to change the email layout and the Service-Decorator but the changes are ignored.

I have no idea what's wrong in the configuration.
Must I still register the changes somewhere?


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Re: aimeos extension

Post by Mirco » 09 Sep 2015, 14:21

One more thing.
I followed this instruction and changed the name of the layout files. such as html-intro-body-neddd.html
I am total lost at the moment. :|
/** client/html/email/delivery/html/intro/default/template-body
* Relative path to the HTML body template of the email delivery html introduction client.
* The template file contains the HTML code and processing instructions
* to generate the result shown in the body of the e-mail. The
* configuration string is the path to the template file relative
* to the layouts directory (usually in client/html/layouts).
* You can overwrite the template file configuration in extensions and
* provide alternative templates. These alternative templates should be
* named like the default one but with the string "default" replaced by
* an unique name. You may use the name of your project for this. If
* you've implemented an alternative client class as well, "default"
* should be replaced by the name of the new class.
* The introduction part of the email delivery html client allows to use
* a different template for each delivery status value. You can create a
* template for each delivery status and store it in the "email/delivery/<status number>/"
* directory below the "layouts" directory (usually in client/html/layouts).
* If no specific layout template is found, the common template in the
* "email/delivery/" directory is used.
* @param string Relative path to the template creating code for the HTML e-mail body
* @since 2014.03
* @category Developer
* @see client/html/email/delivery/html/intro/default/template-header

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Re: aimeos extension

Post by Mirco » 09 Sep 2015, 14:56

Me again
sorry for all the posts.
Sometimes is a new start better then to try to find a stupid mistake.
I found this old post laravel-package-f18/overwrite-existing- ... -t437.html
and now it works perfect.

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Re: aimeos extension

Post by nos3 » 09 Sep 2015, 18:49

Hi Mirco
Mirco wrote: At first I created a aimeos extension with the online tool and uploaded to the Extension folder
First of all, don't put any files in the Aimeos TYPO3 extension! They will be lost as soon as you update the extension. Instead, create an Aimeos extension in a TYPO3 extension (there's an option in the extension builder too: and install that via the TYPO3 Extension Manager.
Mirco wrote: I placed my own translation(de.po/de) into the folder /typo3conf/ext/aimeos/Resources/Extensions/ne-ddd/client/html/i18n and it works like expected.
You can either add you own de.po/de files in your generated TYPO3/Aimeos extension (that's recommended if you want to change a lot of the translations) or you can overwrite translations via TypoScript (see which is much simpler.
Mirco wrote: I tried in the next step to change the email layout and the Service-Decorator but the changes are ignored.

I have no idea what's wrong in the configuration.
Must I still register the changes somewhere?
If you copy layout templates to your own extension in the same directory structure with the same name, they will be used instead of the original ones. If you give them a new name because you want to keep the old ones in parallel, then you have to tell Aimeos via configuration that it should use the new template instead. The configuration for the e-mail templates can be found here: ... tml#E-mail

The service decorators are only used if they are added to your delivery or payment options in the admin interface. You can find more about that topic in ... ce_details and ... decorators.

Hope that helps


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Re: aimeos extension

Post by Mirco » 10 Sep 2015, 12:34

Hi Norbert

thanks a lot, your post make some points clear.

I now it need a while to understand a new framework
but to be honest the handling of the e-mail layouts is not really comfortable.
It need a lot of try and error to get a result.

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Re: aimeos extension

Post by aimeos » 10 Sep 2015, 20:14

Mirco wrote: but to be honest the handling of the e-mail layouts is not really comfortable.
It need a lot of try and error to get a result.
How can we make it better in your opinion? Suggestions are always appreciated!

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Re: aimeos extension

Post by aimeos » 11 Sep 2015, 16:36

We've tried to improve the Aimeos TYPO3 documentation so you are able to find everything you need in one place. Do you find that page more helpful?

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