Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

How to configure and adapt Aimeos based shops as developer
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Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

Post by NikhilNair » 09 Jul 2019, 10:40

  • How do you create attribute set/group? - I want to have a group of attributes which I can assign to products.I want to be able to create this groups/set as many as I like based on the product. How can we do that in Aimeos?
  • How can we see seller only site? - From where can I see the site of seller where the seller has uploaded products exclusively to their store?
  • How can a product be approved when a seller uploads their own products. Does the current Aimeos system carry out any admin approval process where only the site admin can approve Seller uploaded products?
  • How does the inventory work for sellers? - How do the sellers update their product inventory stock count. Also, how do they update their variable product inventory which has multiple attributes? How to manage stock count for each product variable?
  • Does the seller product can have different SKU by keeping the main product SKU intact. If yes, how can they add one?
  • Site admin wants to assign only a variable of the product instead of the entire product? Can this be possible? If yes, how can we do this?
  • Do sellers have to be part of customers? Can they be on their own different user group so they can have their own rights, orders, vendor sku, shipping options, commissions, list of products assigned (quantity)

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Re: Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

Post by aimeos » 10 Jul 2019, 08:15

NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • How do you create attribute set/group? - I want to have a group of attributes which I can assign to products.I want to be able to create this groups/set as many as I like based on the product. How can we do that in Aimeos?
There are no attribute sets yet. This is on our roadmap: https://aimeos.org/business/roadmap/
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • How can we see seller only site? - From where can I see the site of seller where the seller has uploaded products exclusively to their store?
Each seller only sees his own data for his shop. For super admins there's a site switcher so they can act as sellers in their own shop.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • How can a product be approved when a seller uploads their own products. Does the current Aimeos system carry out any admin approval process where only the site admin can approve Seller uploaded products?
No, there's no approval process for new products.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • How does the inventory work for sellers? - How do the sellers update their product inventory stock count. Also, how do they update their variable product inventory which has multiple attributes? How to manage stock count for each product variable?
Each seller product has its own stock level and also the product variants have. Sellers can either update the stock of their products and variants in the admin interface or via CSV import.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • Does the seller product can have different SKU by keeping the main product SKU intact. If yes, how can they add one?
No, a different SKU would be another product. The combination of site ID and SKU is unique.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • Do sellers have to be part of customers? Can they be on their own different user group so they can have their own rights, orders, vendor sku, shipping options, commissions, list of products assigned (quantity)
Sellers and customers are usually stored in the same table but have different groups (editor, admin, etc.) with different rights. You can limit access to the panels via configuring the groups.

@nos3 Can you answer the remaining question?
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Re: Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

Post by nos3 » 10 Jul 2019, 17:28


We are offering a commercial extension for building your own market place. All answers are related to that extension.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • How can we see seller only site? - From where can I see the site of seller where the seller has uploaded products exclusively to their store?
With our extension, you can create a tree of shops (unlimited depth and width) where data (e.g. products, delivery/payment options, etc.) can be inherited from the parent sites or aggregated from sub-sites (vendor shops). Each vendor has his own shop where he can see only his own products and products inherited from the parent sites. Super admins switching to a specific site do see the same.

Also, products and other data are aggregated to the root site (the market place) where customers can buy products from all vendors. Each vendor also has an own shop the same time with an unique frontend URL.
NikhilNair wrote: 09 Jul 2019, 10:40
  • Site admin wants to assign only a variable of the product instead of the entire product? Can this be possible? If yes, how can we do this?
As data can be inherited from parent sites, site admins can also add custom prices, texts, images, etc. to products. The data is merged together (not overwritten) in the vendors shop. If you want to offer common products, site admins can add own prices for example and own stock levels.

Our Aimeos ai-sites extension for building market places can be bought here:

If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,


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Re: Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

Post by NikhilNair » 18 Jul 2019, 16:32

Hi Team,

Thank you for your detailed response. However, I would still want to understand the Multi vendor flow more in details. Would it possible for you to get on a call with us. Like 2 to 4 hours support. Let me know which support package should we opt for to get the detailed understanding of the Multi Vendor Extension via a screenshare demo conference call. Once you suggest the support package I can purchase it immediately. Awaiting your response.

Thank you.

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Re: Few Questions which I couldn't find answers on the demo site.

Post by aimeos » 18 Jul 2019, 17:21

Please contact the Aimeos company which is offering the extension:
Professional support and custom implementation are available at Aimeos.com
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