Travis failes on fork

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Travis failes on fork

Post by rowild » 05 Oct 2019, 09:04

I followed your guideline here:

I forked aimeos-typo3 and setup Travis CI (hopefully correct - I am new to Travis). The first build request seems to be working (green), but eventually there is an error (see screenshot). So far this is the pure fork, no commits from my side.

Also, is the docu still up-to-date? The Travis and github interfaces changed and, to be honest, this part:
Then visit the Github service hooks page for that project and paste your Github username and Travis token into the settings for the Travis service, if it is not already pre-filled

is unclear to me. Is that step meant to be done on or
Currently, I use the "token" that I found somewhere on and put it into the "aimeos-typo3/settings/hooks/" (webhoooks) "secret" field on that I found there.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Travis failes on fork

Post by aimeos » 07 Oct 2019, 08:47

Looks like there's no .travis.yml file in your root directory of the fork.
If you want to create a pull request, they are automatically tested as soon as you create the PR from your fork.
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