E-mail common
Location of the address partial template for the text e-mails
client/html/email/common/summary/address/text = common/summary/address-standard
- Default: common/summary/address-standard
- Type: string - Relative path to the address partial
- Since: 2017.01
To configure an alternative template for the address partial, you have to configure its path relative to the template directory (usually client/html/templates/). It's then used to display the payment or delivery address block in the text e-mails.
See also:
- client/html/email/common/summary/detail/text
- client/html/email/common/summary/service/text
Location of the address partial template for the text e-mails
client/html/email/common/summary/pdf = email/common/pdf-summary-partial
- Default: email/common/pdf-summary-partial
- Type: string - Relative path to the address partial
- Since: 2020.07
To configure an alternative template for the address partial, you have to configure its path relative to the template directory (usually client/html/templates/). It's then used to display the payment or delivery address block in the text e-mails.
Template partial used for redering the order summary details for text e-mails
client/html/email/common/summary/text = email/common/text-summary-partial
- Default: email/common/text-summary-partial
- Type: string - Relative path to the partial file without file extension
- Since: 2019.10
The setting must be the path to the partial relative to the template directory in your own extension and must include the file name without the file extension.