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Delivery and payment handling are one of the most important tasks in a web shop. Most often this involves connecting to external systems and pushing data to them. Therefore it's vital that a shop system has a feature rich interface that is able to cope with all kinds of special requirements remote services demand.

In Aimeos the service providers are adapters between the shop interfaces for delivery and payment handling and any remote gateway. They can have arbitrary configurations, individually defined for each service provider. The base classes offer a rich set of methods that ease development and minimize the code that must be written.

Your service provider must be part of your project specific Aimeos extension and be stored in


to be available in your Aimeos installation.

For most service providers you need some configuration values like for username and password to authenticate against external web services. You can store arbitrary numbers of key/value pairs in the service items for each provider which can be checked against a given configuration definition to minimize errors.


There are two kinds of configuration definitions: For the fields the customer has to fill out in the front-end and for the shop owner in the administration interface! Both use the same way and format for their definition, the only difference is by which method they are returned, either by getConfigFE() for the front-end or by getConfigBE() for the administration interface.

In order to make things as easy as possible, the base service provider class offers some common methods that are often used in provider implementations.

Working with orders#

Fetch order item#

If the order item isn't passed to the method directly, there's sometimes the need to the retrieve it from the database. You only need to know the ID of the order you wish to fetch:

$orderItem = $this->getOrder( $id );

Keep in mind that the order needs to belong to the same site or one of its descendants. You can't fetch an order from another shop instance!

Retrieve complete order#

In the order item itself only some status values, dates and related IDs are stored. Most often you need to get the service data stored in the order because there you can add data related to the payment gateway (e.g. transaction references) and fetch them later if you need them again:

$baseItem = $this->getOrderBase( $orderItem->getBaseId() );

The order base item and its included objects from the sub-domains are in fact the same as the basket during the checkout of the customer. The line above would load the basic order data (price, locale, etc.) and the delivery/payment service related items including their attributes. If you need the addresses or products as well, you can define which parts should be loaded:

$parts = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Base::PARTS_ADDRESS;
$parts |= \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Base::PARTS_PRODUCT;
$baseItem = $this->getOrderBase( $orderItem->getBaseId(), $parts );

These lines would load the basic order including the addresses and the products. You can find the complete list of constants in the class of the order base item.


Loading the complete order is slow because it involves fetching many records from the database. Whenever possible, limit the related items to those you really need!

Save order items#

After modifying an order item by setting a new status or changing another value, you need to store the item back to the database if the modification shouldn't be lost. You can do this by one line too:

$this->saveOrder( $orderItem );

This saves the order item itself (not the complete order) and creates the necessary entries in the mshop_order_status table if one of the status values have been changed.

Save complete order#

Saving the complete order (a.k.a. basket) is very similar to retrieving it from the database:

$this->saveOrderBase( $baseItem );

This would save changes in the service related items and attributes but wouldn't touch any of the product or address items in the database. In the unusual case you've modified one of those items as well and need to persist the changed, you have to tell the saveOrderBase() method which parts should be saved instead:

$parts = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Base::PARTS_ADDRESS;
$parts |= \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Base::PARTS_SERVICE;
$this->saveOrderBase( $baseItem, $parts );

These three lines would save any changes in the address and service items including the service attributes.

Additonal data#

Retrieve data#

In cases you need to fetch items from other domains, the context object is necessary to instantiate the appropriate managers. Use it only if you really need it! The complete order can be fetched much simpler with the other support methods and the service item for the provider is already available. To get the context object, use:

$context = $this->getContext();

Afterwards, you can use the Aimeos\MShop class to create the manager you need:

$manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $context, 'stock' );

The line above would create and return the stock manager using the given context.

Store data#

When integrating external services you often want or have to store data returned by them for later or for reference. This may include transaction IDs, status codes or other related data. In these cases, you should store the data as service attributes attached to the delivery or payment service provider. The setAttributes() method simplifies the first step of adding new or updating existing attributes:

setAttributes( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Iface $item, array $attributes, $type );

It adds the key/value pairs in the second parameter with the specified type to the given order service item. If the attribute key/type combination already exists, the attribute value will be updated. The type is an arbitrary string but it's best to use the service provider name in lower case to quickly identify to which service provider it belongs. You can save one or more attribute like this:

$attributes = ['transactionid' => 123];

$serviceType = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Manager\Base\Base::TYPE_PAYMENT;
$orderServiceItem = $orderBaseItem->getService( $serviceType );

$this->setAttributes( $orderServiceItem, $attributes, 'myprovider' );
$this->saveOrderBase( $baseItem );

The setAttributes() method only adds the attribute to the order service item but to persist it in the database, you have to save the order base item (a.k.a. basket) and the attached items to the storage, which is done by the saveOrderBase() method call. To fetch the attribute again, you can use the getAttribute() or getAttributeItem() method of the order service item object:

$serviceType = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Base::TYPE_PAYMENT;
$orderServiceItem = $orderBaseItem->getService( $serviceType );

$value = $orderServiceItem->getAttribute( 'transactionid', 'myprovider' );
$attrItem = $orderServiceItem->getAttributeItem( 'transactionid', 'myprovider' );


Access configuration#

To retrieve values from the configuration stored in the service item by the shop owner or injected by the application (like the self, success, failure, cancel or update URLs), the getConfigValues() method offers a common interface to access them:

getConfigValue( array $keys, $default = null )

It accepts an array of configuration keys that are tested in the given order and returns the value of the first key that matches. If none of the keys was found, then the default value is returned. The configuration keys are either defined by your service provider (we will come back to that later) or by the application in case of the URLs.

There are five URLs and the IP address that can be injected by the application:

The URL that points to the current page
The URL customers are redirected if the payment was successful
payment.url-failure (optional)
The URL customers are redirected if the payment failed
payment.url-cancel (optional)
The URL customers are redirected if they canceled the payment
The URL payment gateways should send their notifications to if the payment status has changed
Remote IP address of the customer

The URLs for failure and cancellation are not available everywhere and in this case the success URL should be used instead. Therefore, the getConfigValues() method simplifies getting the value if you call it like this:

$value = $this->getConfigValue( ['payment.url-failure', 'payment.url-success'] );
$value = $this->getConfigValue( ['username'], 'aimeos' );

The first call will either return the URL for "payment.url-failure" if available or the "payment.url-success" URL otherwise. The second call would return the value stored for the key "username" in the service item or "aimeos" if it's not configured.

Add configuration#

To make the available configuration settings known, you have to specify which configuration keys they use, what value types are allowed, if there's a default value and if it's required or optional:

private $feconfig = [
    'myprovider.username' => [
        'code' => 'myprovider.username',
        'internalcode'=> 'myprovider.username',
        'label'=> 'Username',
        'type'=> 'string',
        'internaltype'=> 'string',
        'default'=> '',
        'required'=> true,

In the front-end you can also specify if the setting should be hidden or not:

private $feconfig = [
    'myprovider.token' => [
        'code' => 'myprovider.token',
        'internalcode'=> 'token',
        'label'=> 'Authentication token',
        'type'=> 'number',
        'internaltype'=> 'integer',
        'default'=> '1234',
        'required'=> true,
        'public' => false,

A definition is always identified by an unique key which is identical to its code and should contain the provider name in lower case as prefix ("myprovider.token" for example). This prevents collisions between keys of decorators named the same.

The value for internalcode can be the name that is expected by the external service if you have to post the value directly to the gateway. Otherwise, it should be the same as the value for "code".

Label is just an arbitrary name to know what the option is for. It can be displayed by the administration interface to the editors to explain what they have to enter.

The type value must be one of the predefined strings that describe the allowed type. These types are available:

Arbitrary string with 255 characters at maximum
0/1 value to enable or disable the option
An integer number (maybe negative)
A number that can include fractional digits
An ISO date value (YYYY-MM-DD)
A 24h time value (HH:mm)
An ISO date and time value (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
A list of values (defined via the "default" key, e.g. "['option1', 'option2']") where one must be chosen, rendered as select box
Associative list of key/value pairs, e.g. "['option1' => 'Label1', 'option2' => 'Label2']") rendered as list of radio options
Associative list of key/value pairs, e.g. "['option1' => 'Label1', 'option2' => 'Label2']") (back-end only)

All values for internaltype are most of the time closely related and describe how to store the values internally. Available internal types are:

Arbitrary string with 255 characters at maximum
0/1 value to enable or disable the option
An integer number (maybe negative)
A number that can include fractional digits
An ISO date and time value (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)

For default, either a scalar value of any type (string, integer, float, boolean) is allowed or an associative array of key/value pairs in case of the "select" type.

If a setting have to be added, the required option must be set to true. Otherwise, it can be left out or set to false so it's optional and won't be enforced.

The value for public is only evaluated if the configuration options are defined for the front-end. It will add a hidden input field instead of a visible one to the form with the string in "default" as value. In the administration interface it won't have an effect.

Checkout process#

The definitions of what is available will render a form in the front-end near the delivery/payment option. To inform the front-end about the field that should be displayed, the getConfigFE() method of your service provider implementation must return them as objects. This is done with these lines of code:

public function getConfigFE( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Iface $basket ) : array
    $list = [];

    foreach( $this->feconfig as $key => $config ) {
        $list[$key] = new \Aimeos\MW\Criteria\Attribute\Standard( $config );

    return $list;

The $this->feconfig contains the front-end configuration definition in this example. In the getConfigFE() method, the basket is available too with all data that has been collected up to now. This usually includes at least the products and address(es) of the customers. Based on this information, you can modify the list of definitions as well as adding strings as default for things like the customers' name which was already entered.

If form fields are marked as public, then customers can or must fill out the fields - depending on the "required" flag. If customers forgot one field or entered invalid data, an error message will be shown and the form fields are highlighted where values are missing or invalid. To make this happen, implement the checkConfigFE() method in your service provider:

public function checkConfigFE( array $attributes ) : array
    return $this->checkConfig( $this->feconfig, $attributes );

It will receive an associative list of key/value pairs with the "code" you've used in your definition and the value the customer entered. There's a helper method available that is able to check if the types of the values are the same as defined in your definition, e.g. if the value is an integer number, a date or one of the other supported types. $this->feconfig again holds your definitions. You can also do additional checks in this method like a range check to ensure the values are between an upper and lower limit.

After the values have been checked and no invalid data has been found, the values entered by customers into the fields should be stored as service attributes along with the selected delivery or payment option in the basket and afterwards in the order. Implement the setConfigFE() method to do this:

public function setConfigFE( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Iface $orderServiceItem,
    array $attributes ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Iface
    $this->setAttributes( $orderServiceItem, $attributes, 'payment' );

In the example above, all given attributes would be added to the order service item in the basket as payment attributes. Use "delivery" for delivery service items instead. You can also use more specific types than "payment" and "delivery" like "payment/paypalexpress". Up to 32 characters are allowed for the attribute types.

In this method you can also modify the values before storing them. You could encrypt or scramble them for example, add the original value in a different attribute and replace the value of the original key with a scrambled one. The DirectDebit payment provider uses this to show only the last three digits of an account number.

All values can be used later on in the back-end systems but don't have any further effect in the web shop.


Aimeos don't offer a payment service provider that stores any credit card data. This was an explicit design decision to prevent credit card theft. Please use a payment gateway instead that processes credit card data in a PCI compliant environment.

If you need to retrieve data from the fields you defined at your feconfig you can use this code at your Payment Provider:

public function process( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order,
    array $params = [] ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface
    $parts = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Manager\Base\Base::PARTS_ALL;
    $orderBaseItem = $this->getOrderBase( $order->getBaseId(], $parts );

    $type = \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Base::TYPE_PAYMENT;
    $code = $this->getServiceItem()->getCode(); // code of the service payment

    foreach( $orderBaseItem->getService( $type, $code )->getAttributes() as $attr ) {
        // $attr->getCode() . ': ' . $attr->getValue();

The $code parameter of getService() will return the Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Service\Standard object the code belongs to. If you leave it out, you will get an array of all order service items of that type which have been added to the order during the checkout process.

Payment form#

Most payment gateways require some values to be posted to their servers like the amount the customer has to pay, the currency and a few other necessary ones. Redirecting the customer to the payment gateways and handing over these values is done after the customer clicked on the "Buy now" button at the end of the checkout process.

In the same way you've defined the front-end configuration, you can specify the form fields of the payment form too. Only the way how to pass them to the front-end is different because they have to be returned as part of a form helper object by the process() method of your payment service provider. This doesn't apply to delivery service providers!

public function process( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Iface $order,
    array $params = [) ) : ?\Aimeos\MShop\Common\Helper\Form\Iface
    $attr = [];

    foreach( $this->payconfig as $key => $config ) {
        $attr[$key] = new \Aimeos\MW\Criteria\Attribute\Standard( $config );

    $url = $this->getConfigValue( [ 'payment.url-self' ) );
    return new \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Helper\Form\Standard( $url, 'POST', $attr, false );

For example, the OmniPay service provider makes heavy use of this. The process() method is a "dual use" method in the sense that it can return the definition of a payment form but also push the data forward to the payment gateway if the gateway uses a API reachable via an URL.

Admin interface#

To support editors when configuring your service provider, you must define the configuration possibilities of your implementation:

private $beconfig = [
    'myprovider.myoption' => [
        'code' => 'myprovider.myoption',
        'internalcode'=> 'myprovider.myoption',
        'label'=> 'My option',
        'type'=> 'string',
        'internaltype'=> 'string',
        'default'=> '',
        'required'=> true,

They will be informed about what options are available and which one have to be added before the service provider will work. Similar to the front-end, there's a getConfigBE() method that must return the available settings as attribute objects:

public function getConfigBE() : array
    $list = parent::getConfigBE();

    foreach( $this->beconfig as $key => $config ) {
        $list[$key] = new \Aimeos\MW\Criteria\Attribute\Standard( $config );

    return $list;

There are some global back-end configurations available (especially for payment providers) like the URLs for success, failure, cancellation and updating a payment. Therefore, you should call the parent function before you add your own definition to the list ($this->beconfig contains your own definition in this example).

In the back-end, the "public" flag has no meaning while the "required" flag enforces a configuration value to be set. The editor is informed after pressing the "Save" button what settings are missing or invalid. The check if that is the case is done by the checkConfigBE() method:

public function checkConfigBE( array $attributes ) : array
    $errors = parent::checkConfigBE( $attributes );
    return array_merge( $errors, $this->checkConfig( $this->beconfig, $attributes ) );

The parameter passed is again an associative list of key/value pairs with the "code" you've used in your definition and the value as entered by the editor. You should call its parent method to check the global settings first. Afterwards, you can use the checkConfig() method as for the front-end to validate your own settings. Keep in mind that this is only a type check! To check for a specific range or other limits, you have to add that checks in this method yourself.

All settings entered by the editor are added automatically to the configuration array of the service item so there's no need to do anything. In your service provider, the easiest way to access those settings is via the getConfigValues() method.

Both, delivery and payment service provider can implement some methods that are used to determine if the service provider is available at all, what it supports and to calculate an additional fee if the provider is used. All methods described here are optional and default implementations exist.

Most often used#

Show or hide option#

By default, all delivery and payment options are displayed to all customers without any restrictions. On the other side, there's often the case that single options are only available in specific countries if you sell worldwide. For this, it's possible to restrict each option via the isAvailable() method. What are the criteria for the restriction is totally up to you. The complete basket including everything that was added up to now is available.

public function isAvailable( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Iface $basket ) : bool
    if( $basket->getPrice()->getTotal() > 1000 ) {
        return false;
    return true;

In the example method above, the delivery or payment option would only be available if the total value of the basket is less or equal than 1000. Above that value, the service option won't be shown to the customer. Usually, the customer address was already added before the delivery and payment methods will be displayed, so you can use those data as well.


There are already decorators implemented that can hide service options based on the country or the number of previous orders of the customers.

Calculate a service fee#

For each delivery and payment option, a service fee can be charged. By default, the fixed fee that was associated to the service item by the shop owner is added to the total price of the basket. If you need a variable service fee depending on the value of the basket, you have to overwrite the calcPrice() method and calculate the fee value yourself:

public function calcPrice( \Aimeos\MShop\Order\Item\Base\Iface $basket ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Price\Item\Iface
    $productTotal = ...; // Sum up the price of all products in $basket
    $manager = \Aimeos\MShop::create( $this->getContext(], 'price' );

    $price = $manager->createItem();
    $price->setCosts( '0.10' * $productTotal );

    return $price;

The example implementation above would add a service fee of 10% based on the total price of all products. You have access to the complete basket including all information that has been added up to now. This usually includes the customer address too, so it's possible to calculate fees based on the country or address of the customer.

This method must return a price item with the service fee set via the setCosts() method. If you add the service fee via the setValue() method of the price item, the amount will be displayed along with the product prices instead in the service section between the sub-total and the total price!


There are already decorators implemented that can add percentage based service costs and reductions for all delivery and payment providers.

Check available methods#

Both, delivery and payment service provider can implement optional methods where no useful default implementation is available. Instead, the default implementations will throw an exception that the method isn't supported.

For payment providers these include:

Cancel the payment of an order
Capture payment after authorization
Ask for the current payment status of an order
Refund the payment

Delivery provider implementations can support:

Ask for the current delivery status of an order

To avoid the need to call the method and catch the exception afterwards, the isImplemented() method simplifies the handling in this case. There are FEAT_* constants defined for the methods that can be supported in the delivery class and the payment class. These constants must be fed to the isImplemented() method to determine if the feature is supported or not:

public function isImplemented( int $what ) : bool
    switch( $what )
        case \Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Payment\Base::FEAT_CAPTURE:
        case \Aimeos\MShop\Service\Provider\Payment\Base::FEAT_REFUND:
            return true;
    return false;

This method would tell the caller that the capture() and refund() payment methods are supported while all other optional payment methods (cancel() and query()) would throw an exception if they are called. For delivery service providers, only query() is optional and can be checked.


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