Parameter names
For building routes in any application it's good to know which parameter names are used and if a parameter can only appear in combination with another one.
Catalog filter and list#
- f_catid
- Category ID
- f_name
- Category name, only when "f_catid" is available
- f_sort
- Sorting within the product list with values "code", "-code", "name", "-name", "price", "-price" and "relevance". Even if it's normally a product list parameter, it's required for the filter as well
- f_search
- Entered text for searching products
- f_supid
- List of supplier IDs the user has filtered for. They are of the form "f_supid[]=
" - f_attrid
- List of attribute IDs the user has filtered for. They are of the form "f_attrid[]=
" - f_optid
- List of attribute IDs combined by an OR-condition. They are of the form "f_optid[]=
" - f_oneid
- List of attribute IDs combined by an OR-condition within the given type. They are of the form "f_oneid[
][]= "
Catalog list#
- l_page
- Page number for moving back and forth in product lists
- l_size
- Number of products per page
- l_type
- Layout type shown for the list, maps to "items-body-
.php" templates
Product details#
- d_name (mandatory if no product ID available)
- Product name
- d_prodid (mandatory if no product name available)
- Product ID, used if available
- d_pos
- Product position within the current product list. It's required for the previous/next links in the product detail pages and it's only used in combination with "d_prodid"
- b_action (mandatory)
- Performed action, can be "add", "delete", "edit" or "coupon-delete"
- b_attrvarid
- Selected variant attributes to determine the article. The key must be the attribute type of the passed attribute ID.
- b_attrconfid
- Associative list of IDs and quantities for the selected configurable attributes. The configurable attriubutes must contain the qty (b_attrconfid[qty]) and id (b_attrconfid[id]) keys fields and below the quantity resp. ID with the same key so Aimeos knows they belong to together, e.g. b_attrconfid[qty][0] and b_attrconfid[id][0].
- b_attrcustid
- Associative list of IDs and values for the custom attributes
- b_coupon
- Coupon code that is entered or should be removed
- b_position
- Position of the product within the basket. This is required for "delete" and "edit" actions
- b_prodid (mandatory)
- ID of the product to add to the basket
- b_quantity
- New number of products for the basket entry referenced by "b_position"
- b_siteid
- ID of the site the product should be bought from (if not from product site)
- b_stocktype
- Stock type (warehouse code) the product should be sent from
- b_prod
- Multi-dimensional array of indexes and product for adding multiple products at once
The value of the ''b_prod'' parameter is structured like this:
b_prod[0][prodid]: 15
b_prod[0][quantity]: 1
b_prod[0][attrvarid][color]: 39
b_prod[0][attrvarid][length]: 41
b_prod[0][attrconfid][qty][]: 2
b_prod[0][attrconfid][id][]: 18
b_prod[0][attrcustid][36]: sometext
b_prod[0][stocktype]: default
b_prod[0][siteid]: '1.'
b_prod[1][prodid]: 23
b_prod[1] ...
- c_step
- Current step of the checkout process. If none is given the content of the first step that requires attention is displayed or the configured step (summary by default)
Favorite products#
- fav_action
- Performed action, can be "add" or "delete"
- fav_id
- Product ID of the favorite product
- fav_page
- Page number if the user has more favorite products than the maximum number of displayed products in the favorite list
Pinned products#
- pin_action
- Performed action, can be "add" or "delete"
- pin_id
- Product ID of the pinned product
Watched products#
- wat_action
- Performed action, can be "add", "delete" or "edit"
- wat_id
- Product ID of the watched product
- wat_page
- Page number if the user has more watched products than the maximum number of displayed products in the watch list
Product downloads#
- dl_id
- ID of the order product attribute storing the reference to the bought file
Locale selector#
- site
- Site code referencing the shop instance
- locale
- Language ID for switching between available languages
- currency
- Currency ID for switching between available currencies