Aimeos 2024.07 release

The 2024.07 release completes the GraphQL API and adds some nice features to Aimeos. In addition, we’ve invested a lot of time to improve the documentation of the GraphQL and JSON APIs:

  • GraphQL file uploads and new index query
  • Extended GraphQL and JSON:API documentation
  • Custom address types
  • Full time support in subscriptions
  • Multiple mailer support in Laravel
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Aimeos 2024.04 release

The first stable release of the Aimeos ecommerce framwork for Laravel and TYPO3 in 2024 offers a whole bunch of updates compared to previous versions and is prepared for the upcoming accessibility requirements in the EU. The most important features and changes are:

  • Full Laravel 11 support
  • WCAG AAA compatible template
  • Top-level URLs for products/categories/pages
  • Product CSV upload in backend and imports per site
  • VueJS 3 in admin backend with locally bundled JS libs
  • Improved GraphQL admin API
  • Simplifications for developers
Read more Aimeos 2024.04 release

Aimeos 2023.10 LTS release

The 2023.10 version of the Aimeos e-commerce framework for Laravel and TYPO3 is available now! Especially developers will love the 2023 version because it contains a lot of simplifications and fully supports scaleable cloud setups like Kubernetes natively. The most important updates in 2023 are:

  • Laravel 10 distributions
  • TYPO3 12 support
  • Kubernetes/Serverless support
  • Create managers easily
  • Merged order and order base
  • Stored basket panel
  • DB-based translations for type names
  • VueJS and GraphQL in backend
Read more Aimeos 2023.10 LTS release

AI revolution in eCommerce

Since the availability of ChatGPT, a large language machine learning model from OpenAI, artificial intelligence seems to be on the rise. Now, editors writing texts might be seen as a dying species because tools like ChatGPT can do the same in seconds and in almost the same quality. This is similar to how DeepL, a translation tool based on machine learning, changed the translation industry before.

Especially in eCommerce, search engines like Google require a lot of relevant text before pages show up at the top of search results. This can now be automated in Aimeos, the first eCommerce framework with direct integration of ChatGPT and DeepL. This allows editors to generate any text in seconds and have it translated into 29 languages.

Read more AI revolution in eCommerce

Aimeos 2022.10 LTS release

The Aimeos 2022.10 version with long term support is now available for Laravel and TYPO3. It contains a lot of improvements for customers, editors, developers and marketplace owners. The most important improvements included in this release are:

  • GraphQL admin API
  • Headless Laravel distribution
  • Direct editing of marketplace items
  • Dynamic supplier filter
  • Customers can save baskets
  • Invoice numbers per site
  • Optimized performance
  • SEO and 404 improvements
Read more Aimeos 2022.10 LTS release

Aimeos 2022.07 release

The second stable release in 2022 contains new features and some changes/improvements for developers to keep an eye on. This version focuses on improvements for editors and on minimizing code developers have to write when creating new features in Aimeos. The most important changes are:

  • Bulk editing in admin backend
  • Customizable theme colors in backend
  • Uses Bootstrap icons instead of Fontawesome
  • No more need for factories
  • Scales images in media manager
  • More fractional quantity support
  • Improved debugging
Read more Aimeos 2022.07 release

Aimeos 2022.04 release

The first stable release of the Aimeos e-commerce framework in 2022 contains a lot of exciting new features and changes compared to the last LTS version. Improving the developer experience further was one of the most important goals for this release besides more performance. All improvements are available for both, Laravel and TYPO3 and include:

  • Laravel 9 LTS support
  • Integrated distribution based on Laravel 9
  • New Aimeos headless distribution built on Laravel 9
  • Radically simplified HTML client code base
  • Top scores of 100% for Google Lighthouse
  • Bootstrap 5 w/o jQuery
  • Upscheme migrations
  • Higher performance
Read more Aimeos 2022.04 release

Aimeos 2022 news

Since 2022.01 beta, the Aimeos core is using Upscheme for updating the database schema and migrating data between new releases. Upscheme is composer package for schema management based on Doctrine DBAL which offers an easy to use API. You can also integrate Upscheme it in your own application easily and this article explains the differences and how you can write migrations with only a few lines of code 🙂

Read more Aimeos 2022 news

Aimeos 2021.10 LTS release

The 2021.10 release of the Aimeos e-commerce framework with long term support is available for Laravel, Symfony and TYPO3. It contains a lot of small features repeatedly requested by developers and users and which improve user experience, usability for editors and security. The most important improvements are:

  • Laravel 8 distribution and TYPO3 11
  • Radius search and maps
  • “Price on request” feature
  • Product video support
  • Improved backend usability
  • Custom invoice numbers
  • Warehouse management
  • PDF with SEPA QR-code and images
  • Strict CSP and other improvements
Read more Aimeos 2021.10 LTS release

Aimeos 2021.07 release

The second stable release in 2021 of the Aimeos e-commerce framework is now available. The fantastic new default theme is the most notable change for sure but this release contains many more improvements, especially for multi-site environements. The most important points are:

  • New default theme
  • New settings panel in backend
  • Send order notification emails
  • Extended order management
  • Multi-site improvements
  • Improved security
  • Upgrade notes
Read more Aimeos 2021.07 release