Create own extension
Create your own extension
Create your own custom extension for Aimeos e-commerce projects. Enter the name of your project (used for the extension name) and click on the download button. This will generate an empty extension which enables you to add project specific configuration option, templates or classes. Do NOT use the "ai-" prefix as this is reserved for official Aimeos extensions!
You can create a "pure" Aimeos extension package that can be unpacked in an existing extension directory besides other ones or a package for the selected application. In both cases, the file offered for download will be a standard .zip file.
The project name must consist of characters from a-z and 0-9 only! Aimeos extensions can additionally contain dashes ("-").
Omnipay PHP library integration with 100+ drivers for payment providers world-wide
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VueStorefront Integration
Boilerplate template for building progressive web application (PWA) frontends based on VueStorefront
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Theme Berlin
High quality Aimeos theme from the creators of Aimeos. For Aimeos Laravel 2022.04 and later.
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Market place and complex B2B
Build your own market place with vendor shops or complex portal or reseller solutions (B2B/B2C)
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#gigacommerce with 1,000,000,000+ products by storing products exclusively in ElasticSearch
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VAT Calculation
Check global VAT IDs and calculate VAT for customers in different countries (B2B and B2C)
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Customer groups
Limit prices, products, categories, services, etc. to customer groups or single customers
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Ultra fast searching and filtering huge product catalogs using a separate Solr index
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Stripe Payments For Marketplaces
Stripe payments for marketplaces incl. vendor payouts and customizable commission handling
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Mangopay - Payments For Marketplaces
Mangopay payments for marketplaces incl. vendor payouts and commission handling
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Braintree - Payments For Marketplaces
Braintree payments for marketplaces from Skynet Technologies
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ReactJS Theme
Boilerplate template for building progressive web application (PWA) frontends based on ReactJS
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Points & Rewards
Customers collect points and get rewards when a certain threshold is reached
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American Disabilities Act (ADA)
Makes Aimeos compatilbe to the American with Disabilities Act. Requires a license key
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Sophisticated CMS extension based on GrapesJS with custom blocks and drag&drop
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Advanced blog extension including categories, authors, etc.
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Cloud storage and CDN support using the FlySystem PHP library for FTP, AWS, Azure, etc.
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Advanced caching, offload HTML fragments to a separate Redis server instead of the database
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Message Queue
Advanced message queueing, offload asynchronous task to RabbitMQ, Beanstalk or Stomp
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Lexoffice integration
Sends orders to the web API of the Lexoffice bookkeeping SaaS portal automatically
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Suggest categories
Extends catalog/suggest component to display found categories together with products
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Woocommerce migration
Migrate products, categories, brands and other data from Wordpress and Woocommerce to Aimeos