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Subscription export



List of mappings between the position in the CSV file and item keys

controller/common/subscription/export/csv/mapping = Array
    [subscription] => Array
            [2] => subscription.interval
            [3] => subscription.datenext
            [4] => subscription.dateend
            [5] => subscription.period
            [6] => subscription.status
            [7] => subscription.ctime
            [8] => subscription.ordbaseid

    [address] => Array
            [2] => order.base.address.type
            [3] => order.base.address.salutation
            [4] =>
            [5] => order.base.address.vatid
            [6] => order.base.address.title
            [7] => order.base.address.firstname
            [8] => order.base.address.lastname
            [9] => order.base.address.address1
            [10] => order.base.address.address2
            [11] => order.base.address.address3
            [12] => order.base.address.postal
            [13] =>
            [14] => order.base.address.state
            [15] => order.base.address.countryid
            [16] => order.base.address.languageid
            [17] => order.base.address.telephone
            [18] => order.base.address.telefax
            [19] =>
            [20] =>
            [21] => order.base.address.longitude
            [22] => order.base.address.latitude

    [product] => Array
            [2] => order.base.product.type
            [3] => order.base.product.stocktype
            [4] => order.base.product.suppliercode
            [5] => order.base.product.prodcode
            [6] => order.base.product.productid
            [7] => order.base.product.quantity
            [8] =>
            [9] => order.base.product.mediaurl
            [10] => order.base.product.price
            [11] => order.base.product.costs
            [12] => order.base.product.rebate
            [13] => order.base.product.taxrate
            [14] => order.base.product.status
            [15] => order.base.product.position
            [16] => order.base.product.attribute.type
            [17] => order.base.product.attribute.code
            [18] =>
            [19] => order.base.product.attribute.value

  • Default: Array
  • Type: array - Associative list of processor names and lists of key/position pairs
  • Since: 2018.04

The exporter has to know which data is at which position in the CSV file. Therefore, you need to specify a mapping between each position and the MShop domain item key (e.g. "subscription.type") it represents.

These mappings are grouped together by their processor names, which are responsible for exporting the data, e.g. all mappings in "invoice" will be managed by the invoice processor while the mappings in "product" will be exported by the product processor.

See also:

  • controller/common/subscription/export/csv/max-size


Maximum number of CSV rows to export at once

controller/common/subscription/export/csv/max-size = 1000
  • Default: 1000
  • Type: integer - Number of rows
  • Since: 2018.04

It's more efficient to read and export more than one row at a time to speed up the export. Usually, the bigger the chunk that is exported at once, the less time the exporter will need. The downside is that the amount of memory required by the export process will increase as well. Therefore, it's a trade-off between memory consumption and export speed.

See also:

  • controller/common/subscription/export/csv/mapping


controller/common/subscription/export/csv/processor/address/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard


controller/common/subscription/export/csv/processor/product/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard


controller/common/subscription/export/csv/processor/subscription/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard


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