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Catalog partials


Relative path to the catalog actions partial template file

client/html/catalog/partials/actions = catalog/actions
  • Default: catalog/actions
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2017.04

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The actions partial creates an HTML block for the product actions (pin, like and watch products).


Relative path to the social partial template file

client/html/catalog/partials/social = catalog/social
  • Default: catalog/social
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2017.04

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The social partial creates an HTML block for links to social platforms in the catalog components.


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