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Getting started

The Aimeos Symfony bundle is a composer based extension for the Symfony web application framework. It integrates the core web shop component library into any Symfony 3.4+ based application and allows you to place the components on any page using Twig templates. Default templates for a quick start are already included.

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The Aimeos bundle also includes adapter classes for basic components used by any Symfony application like logging, configuration or URL generation. Thus, it integrates into any application natively that is based on the Symfony framework and leverages the full power of Symfony.

  1. Install Aimeos
  2. Read the manual
  3. Create an extension
  4. Customize Aimeos
  5. Adapt the frontend
  6. Extend Aimeos
  7. Import data
  8. Optimize Aimeos

HTML Frontend#






Import data#


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