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Retrieve metadata

The offered URLs to the resources depend on the application that hosts the Aimeos components. Therefore, you can't use fixed URLs like Instead, you need to configure the base URL to the Aimeos JSON API of the instance you want to connect to in your client application.

Resource list#

Afterwards, you must use the OPTIONS method to retrieve the service description with the list of resources and their URLs, e.g.

curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt \
-X OPTIONS 'https://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm'
// Base URL from config
var url = 'https://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm';

var options = $.ajax( url, {
    method: "OPTIONS",
    dataType: "json"

options.done( function( result ) {
    console.log( );

It returns a JSON object containing the resources (those names are always the same and you can rely on them) and the corresponding URLs. An example response would be:

    "meta": {
        "resources": {
            "attribute": "http://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm/attribute",
            "attribute/lists": "http://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm/attribute/lists",
            "attribute/property": "http://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm/attribute/property",
            "catalog": "http://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm/catalog"

To access the products for example, you must lookup the URL for the "product" resource key:

curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt \
-X GET 'http://localhost:8000/admin/default/jsonadm/product'
var params = {};

var result = $.ajax({
    method: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    url: options.meta.resources['product'], // from OPTIONS response
    data: {}

result.done( function( result ) {
    console.log( );

Similarly, you can use every key defined in the "resources" object to retrieve the corresponding items.

Item attributes#

The response from the OPTIONS request also contains the attributes of all items:

    "meta": {
        "attributes": {
            "": {
                "code": "",
                "type": "integer",
                "label": "ID",
                "public": false,
                "default": null,
                "required": true
            "catalog.label": {
                "code": "catalog.label",
                "type": "string",
                "label": "Label",
                "public": true,
                "default": null,
                "required": true

You can use that to build filters for the user interface. The public property of each item attribute states if it should be shown to the user or not.

Nested parameters#

Some host applications need nested GET parameters, so they are recognized as part of the JSON request. In this case, a product resource URL can look like:


To handle this case correctly, you must embed the GET parameters into another object if the prefix attribute from the OPTIONS response is not empty:

    "meta": {
        "prefix": "ai"

The following code handles embedding parameters depending on the availability of a prefix:

var params;

if( options.meta.prefix ) {
    params[options.meta.prefix] = {resource: "product", id: "1"};
} else {
    params = {resource: "product", id: '1'};

Otherwise, your client application won't work with all applications supported by Aimeos!


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