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View and helpers

The template views itself consist of HTML with alternative PHP syntax. It's also possible to use the native template engine of your framework or application, i.e. Blade for Laravel, Twig for Symfony and Fluid for TYPO3. Please have a look at the "Get started" section to find out more.

To access the data assigned to the view, you can use:

$this->get( 'somekey', [] ) // second parameter is the default value if not available
$this->somekey // throws an exception if not available
isset( $this->somekey ) // tests if the parameter is available

Additionally, there are some view helpers available. To use the view helpers in the view, call e.g.

<?= $this->url( $target, $controller, $action, $params, $trailing, $config ) ?>

The example prints the generated URL for the given parameters. Use lower-case for all view helpers, i.e. "url()" for the view helper in the "Url" directory. The parameters for each view helper varies, so please have a look at each view helper you want to use.


Tests if the current user is member of one of the given groups.

<?php if( $this->access( ['mygroup', 'othergroup'] ) ) : ?>
  Yes, I'm a member!
<?php endif ?>

The parameter for the view helper can either be a single group name or a list of group names.


Include subpart templates in your component templates. Contrary to partials, they are used by subparts, e.g. in that base template:

<!-- parent template -->
  <head><title>Test template</title></head>
<?= $this->block()->get( 'content' ) ?>

You can include the output of this subpart template to create the full HTML page:

<?php $this->block()->start( 'content' ) ?>
<!-- child template -->
<div class="test">
<?php $this->block()->stop(); ?>


Access the configuration settings.

<?= $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', [] ) ?>

The first parameter is the configuration key, without slashes (/) at the beginning and the end. The second parameter is the default value, if no value is found in the configuration.


Generates an URL from the paths which are stored in the database.

<?= $this->content( 'relative/path/to/media.jpg' ) ?>

Depending on the environment and configuration, this view helper creates a

  • local URL: "/data/relative/path/to/media.jpg"
  • local absolute URL: ""
  • CDN link: ""
  • data URL: "data:A0B1C2D3E4F5..."


Secures form posts with a CSRF token.

<?= $this->csrf()->formfield(); ?>
<?= $this->csrf()->name(); ?>
<?= $this->csrf()->value(); ?>

The formfield() method creates a hidden input field that can be added inside an HTML form tag, while the name() and value() methods return the single values for building an input field of your own.


Translates a date into the localized format.

<?= $this->date( '2000-01-01 00:00:00' ) ?>

The input must be an ISO date format in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" format.


Quotes the data before printing it to avoid security breaches like cross site scripting (XSS).

<input value="<?= $this->encoder()->attr( 'evil"value' ) ?>" />
<p><?= $this->encoder()->html( '<value>' ) ?></p>
<a href="<?= $this->encoder()->url( 'me & you?' ) ?>"></a>
<tag><?= $this->encoder()->xml( '<value>' ) ?></tag>

You have to use these methods all the time you output a non-static value and you must use the appropriate method for the context. Using html() for an attribute value will result in a XSS security hole!


Generates the value for the "name" attribute of input elements. Depending on the environment, the value of the name attribute must be formatted differently. This method cares about the right value.

<?= $this->formparam( 'name' ) ?> // as name=value in POST request
<?= $this->formparam( ['name', 'sub'] ) ?> // as name[sub]=value
<?= $this->formparam( ['name', ''] ) ?> // as name[]=value

If you forget to use the formparam() view helper, your component or subpart won't work in all frameworks or applications!


Creates a string for the srcset attribute of image tags (<image srcset="...">) depending on the list of passed image widths and URLs used for responsive images.

<?= $this->imageset( [100 => '/path/to/100width.jpg', 300 => '/path/to/300width.jpg'] ) ?>

This will generate a string of /path/to/100width.jpg 100w, /path/to/300width.jpg 300w.

Generates an URL for the url configuration key, parameters, additional configuration and trailing fragments.

<?= $this->link( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url', ['d_prodid' => 1], ['absoluteUri' => 1], ['image', '2'] ) ?>

The first argument is the common prefix for:

  • client/html/catalog/detail/url/target
  • client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller
  • client/html/catalog/detail/url/action
  • client/html/catalog/detail/url/config
  • client/html/catalog/detail/url/filter

The second one contains the parameters that should be part of the URL and the third are configuration settings for generating the link like absoluteUri to create absolute URLs. The last argument are fragments that creates the anchors, e.g. #image-2.


Provides access to an e-mail message that can be filled with a message body.

<?php $message = $this->mail(); ?>

The available methods in the message object are available in the Aimeos\Base\Mail\Message\Iface.


Returns the localized integer or decimal value for the given number.

<?= $this->number( 123 ) ?> // 123.00
<?= $this->number( 123.45, 1 ) ?> // 123.4

The second parameter is the number of decimal digits the result should contain. Depending on the locale settings, the decimal point and the thousand separator are different.


Returns the GET/POST/URL parameter or a list if it's an array.

<?= $this->param( 'myparam' ) ?>
<?= $this->param( 'myparam', 'default' ) ?>

The first argument is the name of the parameter, the second argument is the default value if no value was found (or null if not used).

Also, the first argument can be a path to the value separated by slashes (/) in case it's a multi-dimensional array:

// parameter structure: ['my' => ['param' => 'value']]
<?= $this->param( 'my/param' ) ?>

This would return 'value'.


Renders the given sub-template with the arguments passed.

<?= $this->partial( 'mytemplate.php', ['key' => 'value'] ) ?>

The path of the template must be relative to the "templates" directory.


Returns the request object implementing the PSR-7 ServerRequestInterface.

<?php $request = $this->request(); ?>

For more information about PSR-7 requests, please have a look into the PHP-FIG documentation of the PSR-7 standard.


Returns the response object implementing the PSR-7 ResponseInterface.

<?php $response = $this->response(); ?>

For more information about PSR-7 requests, please have a look into the PHP-FIG documentation of the PSR-7 standard.


Returns the value stored in the session of the user.

<?php echo $this->session( 'a/session/key', 'mydefault' ) ?>

The first parameter is the session key which was used to store the value in the session of the user. The key can be any string but using characters, numbers and slashes is recommended. The second parameter is the value returned if the key isn't available in the session.


Translates a string according to the current locale.

<?php echo $this->translate( 'client/code', 'size' ) ?>
<?php echo $this->translate( 'client', '%1$d article', '%1$d articles', 10 ) ?>

The first form is for singular translations, the second one for plural ones.


Generates URLs for the given target, controller, action, parameter and configuration.

$target = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/target' );
$controller = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller', 'catalog' );
$action = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/action', 'detail' );
$config = $this->config( 'client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', [] );
$trailing = ['anchor']; // will be added as #anchor
$params = ['d_prodid' => 1];

echo $this->url( $target, $controller, $action, $params, $trailing, $config );

Besides the parameter and the trailing array, all other arguments should be retrieved from the configuration.


Returns a value from a multi-dimensional arrays in a simple way.

<?php echo $this->value( $array, 'path/to/key' ) ?>
<?php echo $this->value( $array, 'path/to/key', 'default' ) ?>

The first argument is the array and the second one the path to the value separated by slashes (/). The second parameter of the method is the default value returned if no value was found (or null if not used).

The examples assume an array structure like this one.

['path' => ['to' => ['key' => 'value']]]

and then, the view helper would return value.


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