2021.x -> 2022.x

This log contains a list of changes from 2021.x to 2022.x that might break your extension code or change the behavior of the frontend in a way that is different than before so a functionality won't work as expected any more:

Date Area Change
2022-03-25 HTML client Removed unused typemap view helper
2022-03-24 Core Context db() now returns connection instead of manager
2022-03-22 Core Renames context item
2022-03-20 HTML client Simplified checkout confirm component
2022-03-20 Core Use cache adapter from base package
2022-03-19 HTML client Simplified checkout standard component
2022-03-18 HTML client Renamed actions and social partial
2022-03-18 HTML client Renamed catalog detail partials
2022-03-18 HTML client Renamed "common/partials/selection-list partial to "catalog/detail/group"
2022-03-17 Core Added additional options parameter to calcPrice() in service providers
2022-03-14 Core Use message queue adapter from base package
2022-03-12 Core Moved view adapter to base package
2022-03-11 Core Use Criteria objects from base package
2022-03-10 Core Use database adapter from base package
2022-03-09 Core Simplified library structure
2022-03-08 Core Replaced order product supplierid/suppliername by vendor name
2022-03-08 Core Renamed locale.site.supplierid to locale.site.refid
2022-03-08 Core Added getSiteItem() to product item interface
2022-03-07 Job controller Simplified extension structure
2022-03-04 Core Moved site methods to own trait
2022-03-03 Core Replaced checkClassList by implements() of map package
2022-02-28 Core Use config adapter from base package
2022-02-27 Core Use password adapter from base package
2022-02-26 Core Use log adapter from base package
2022-02-25 HTML client Simplified address summary partial
2022-02-25 Job controller Moved e-mail controller from ai-client-html
2022-02-25 Job controller Moved job controller base classes from core
2022-02-23 Core Use translation adapter from base package
2022-02-22 Core Use process adapter from base package
2022-02-22 Core Don't use NULL for payment/delivery status values
2022-02-19 Core Adapt parameter order for mail attach() method
2022-02-18 HTML client Simplified catalog lists component
2022-02-18 Core Use mail adapter from base package
2022-02-16 Core Use filesystem code from base package
2022-02-14 Core Use session adapter from base package
2022-02-13 Core Use Str class from base package
2022-02-09 HTML client Simplified locale select component
2022-02-07 HTML client Simplified supplier detail component
2022-02-05 HTML client Simplified catalog session component
2022-02-05 HTML client Simplified catalog suggest component
2022-02-03 HTML client Simplified catalog stage component
2022-02-03 HTML client Simplified catalog count component
2022-02-03 HTML client Simplified catalog filter component
2022-02-02 Core Don't allow control characters and spaces in codes
2022-02-02 HTML client Simplified catalog stock component
2022-02-02 HTML client Simplified catalog home component
2022-02-01 HTML client Simplified catalog detail component
2022-02-01 HTML client Simplified catalog product component
2022-01-31 HTML client Simplified basket standard component
2022-01-30 HTML client Simplified checkout update component
2022-01-29 HTML client Simplified basket related component
2022-01-29 HTML client Simplified basket bulk component
2022-01-29 HTML client Simplified account profile component
2022-01-29 HTML client Simplified account review component
2022-01-28 HTML client Simplified account subscription component
2022-01-28 HTML client Simplified account history component
2022-01-28 HTML client Simplified account watch component
2022-01-28 HTML client Simplified account download component
2022-01-28 HTML client Simplified account favorite component
2022-01-28 HTML client Implemented decorator for exception handling
2022-01-28 HTML client Renamed getClient() method to client() in decorators
2022-01-27 JQAdm Removed "-standard" from template names
2022-01-27 JsonAdm Removed "-standard" from template names
2022-01-27 HTML client Removed "-standard" from template names
2022-01-20 HTML client Merged modifyBody() and modifyHeader() to modify() method
2022-01-19 HTML client Improved checkout standard component
2022-01-19 HTML client Improved basket bulk order component
2022-01-19 HTML client Rewritten baskets and adding products to basket
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten catalog session
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten catalog filter
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten catalog detail
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten catalog list
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten common aimeos JS code
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten account watch
2022-01-18 HTML client Rewritten account favorite
2022-01-17 HTML client Rewritten account history
2022-01-17 HTML client Rewritten account subscription
2022-01-17 HTML client Rewritten pinning products
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved summary CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved account watch CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved account subscription CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved account review CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved account profile CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved supplier detail CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-08 HTML client Moved locale select CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved checkout standard CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved checkout confirm CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved basket standard CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved basket related CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved basket mini CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved basket bulk CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved catalog product CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved catalog session CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved catalog stage CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved catalog list CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved catalog filter CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-07 HTML client Moved cms page CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-06 HTML client Moved catalog detail CSS/JS to own files
2022-01-06 HTML client Removed unused jQuery UI
2022-01-05 HTML client Rewritten autocomplete
2022-01-05 Core Removed deprecated order item methods
2022-01-05 Core Replaced order PARTS_ constants by "order/base/" strings
2021-12-28 Core Renamed order "type" to "channel" column
2021-12-20 Core Removed long getter methods from context
2021-12-15 Core Replaced logger base class by trait and added PSR-3 compatible methods
2021-12-14 Core Added catalog manager interface to base catalog manager decorator class
2021-12-10 Core Use PHP Macro package instead of own implementation
2021-12-07 Core Reference suppliers in products
2021-12-07 Core Reference categories in products
2022-12-05 HTML client Use cash-dom JS library instead of jQuery
2022-12-03 HTML client Convert table to grid in basket
2022-12-02 HTML client Use Bootstrap 5
2021-11-26 Core Use "tax" as key for default taxrate
2021-11-25 Core Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 Jqadm Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 JsonAdm Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 HTML client Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 JsonApi Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 Frontend controller Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-25 Job controller Renamed getContext() method to context()
2021-11-19 Jqadm Renamed getValue() method to val()
2021-11-19 Job controller Renamed getValue() method to val()
2021-11-18 Core Simplified mail API
2021-11-17 Core Use file system name from media item and removed optional fsname parameter
2021-11-15 Frontend controller Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-15 Job controller Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-15 Jqadm Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-15 JsonApi Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-15 HTML client Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-15 Core Renamed getObject() method to object()
2021-11-14 Jqadm Renamed addData() method to data()
2021-11-13 Jqadm Make view() method protected
2021-11-13 JsonApi Make view() method protected
2021-11-13 HTML client Make view() method protected
2021-11-13 Jsonadm Make view() and getAimeos() methods protected
2021-11-12 Jsonadm Rename getView() to view()
2021-11-12 Jqadm Rename getView() to view()
2021-11-12 JsonApi Rename getView() to view()
2021-11-12 HTML client Rename getView() to view()
2021-11-11 Core Refactored setup task for adding order unit test data
2021-11-10 Core Use new macro trait in all objects instead of method()
2021-11-08 HTML client Renamed getHeader() method to header()
2021-11-08 HTML client Renamed getBody() method to body()
2021-11-08 HTML client Renamed process() method to init()
2021-11-08 HTML client Renamed addData() method to data()
2021-11-08 HTML client Removed unused data-prodcode attributes
2021-11-08 Core Removed unused template implementation from mwlib
2021-11-07 Core Renamed order.base.product.status to order.base.product.statusdelivery
2021-10-31 Core Use Upscheme for creating/updating tables
2021-10-27 Core Make method property private
2021-10-19 Core Allow NULL for default parameter in get/filter/find() to support hidden status


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