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Custom CSS/JS#

If you generate an Aimeos extension for your project, you can add own CSS and JS code in these files included in the generated extension:


They will be loaded automatically and appended to the Aimeos core files so you can overwrite any Aimeos CSS or JS code.

You can also add more CSS/JS files if you have lots of code and want to keep them in separate files. Then, you have to register your files in the manifest.jsb2 file stored in:


This file contains a pkgs section for the CSS and the JS files:

    "pkgs": [{
        "file": "index-css",
        "fileIncludes": [{
            "text": "additonal-styles.css",
            "path": "themes/"
    }, {
        "file": "index-js",
        "fileIncludes": [{
            "text": "additional-javascript.js",
            "path": "js/"

The fileIncludes sections contain the list of files that will be included in each request. It's a list of Javascript objects with text and path keys.


The text value must be the file name without path while the path value must contain the path relative to the manifest.jsb2 file including a trailing slash ("/").


Aimeos offers a rich text HTML editor in the text panels for adding HTML formatting to short and long descriptions and currently, the CKEditor v5 is used. This version comes with allmost all plugins included but not all icons are available in the menu. You can adapt the toolbar configuration to add or remove those features.


Your own Aimeos extensions includes a ./themes/admin/jqadm/custom.js script which allows you to configure CKEditor. Initially this file is empty but you can add Javascript to overwrite the default HTML editor settings like this:

Aimeos.ckeditor.toolbar = [
  'link', '|',
  'bold', 'italic', '|',
  'undo', 'redo', '|',
  'specialCharacters', 'removeFormat', '|',
  'bulletedList', 'numberedList', '|',
  'blockQuote', '|',
  'insertTable', 'mediaEmbed', '|',

This configuration will replace the existing Aimeos configuration and will be applied to all available text area fields in all text panels.

Add plugins#

In order to add buttons for e.g. text options (underline, strikethrough), you have to add the plugins to the toolbar setting, in this case the justify plugin:

Aimeos.ckeditor.toolbar = [
  'link', '|',
  'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough '|',
  'undo', 'redo', '|',
  'specialCharacters', 'removeFormat', '|',
  'bulletedList', 'numberedList', '|',
  'blockQuote', '|',
  'insertTable', 'mediaEmbed', '|',

Allow HTML tags#

By default, CKEditor's General HTML Support plugin is included. The Aimeos standard configuration is:

Aimeos.ckeditor.htmlSupport = {
  allow: [{
    name: /div|p|span/,
    attributes: false,
    classes: true,
    styles: false,
  disallow: []

The allow option enables features like additional HTML tags ("name" option), attributes, classes and styles while the disallow option can remove them. By default, div and span tags as well as class names are allowed in addition.


Attributes, classes and styles doesn't work on all HTML tags and they will be removed if the tags are managed by another plugin which doesn't preserve that data!


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