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Product import



Names of the product list types for attributes that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes = 
  • Type: array|null - List of product list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

If you want to associate attribute items manually via the administration interface to products and don't want these to be touched during the import, you can specify the product list types for these attributes that shouldn't be updated or removed.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Name of the backup for sucessfully imported files

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup = backup-%Y-%m-%d.csv
  • Type: integer - Name of the backup file, optionally with date/time placeholders
  • Since: 2018.04

After a CSV file was imported successfully, you can move it to another location, so it won't be imported again and isn't overwritten by the next file that is stored at the same location in the file system.

You should use an absolute path to be sure but can be relative path if you absolutely know from where the job will be executed from. The name of the new backup location can contain placeholders understood by the PHP DateTime::format() method (with percent signs prefix) to create dynamic paths, e.g. "backup/%Y-%m-%d" which would create "backup/2000-01-01". For more information about the date() placeholders, please have a look into the PHP documentation of the format() method.

Note: If no backup name is configured, the file will be removed!

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


Name of the attribute cache implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cache/attribute/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the cache class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Cache\Attribute\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Name of the catalog cache implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cache/catalog/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the cache class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Cache\Catalog\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Name of the product cache implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cache/product/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the cache class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Cache\Product\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Name of the supplier cache implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cache/supplier/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the cache class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Cache\Supplier\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Names of the catalog list types that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
    [1] => promotion
  • Default:
        [0] => default
        [1] => promotion
  • Type: array|null - List of catalog list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

Aimeos offers associated items like "bought together" catalogs that are automatically generated by other job controllers. These relations shouldn't normally be overwritten or deleted by default during the import and this confiuration option enables you to specify the list types that should be updated or removed if not available in the import file.

Contrary, if you don't generate any relations automatically in the shop and want to import those relations too, you can set the option to null to update all associated items.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Deletes all products with categories which havn't been updated

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup = 
  • Default: ``
  • Type: bool - TRUE to delete all untouched products, FALSE to keep them
  • Since: 2023.10

By default, the product importer only adds new and updates existing products but doesn't delete any products. If you want to remove all products which haven't been updated during the import, then set this configuration option to "true". This will remove all products which are not assigned to any category but keep the ones without categories, e.g. rebate products.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


Excludes decorators added by the "common" option from the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/excludes = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2015.01

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to remove a decorator added via "controller/jobs/common/decorators/default" before they are wrapped around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/excludes = array( 'decorator1' )

This would remove the decorator named "decorator1" from the list of common decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator*") added via "controller/jobs/common/decorators/default" to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/global
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/local


Adds a list of globally available decorators only to the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/global = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2015.01

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to wrap global decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator*") around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/global = array( 'decorator1' )

This would add the decorator named "decorator1" defined by "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator\Decorator1" only to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/excludes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/local


Adds a list of local decorators only to the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/local = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2015.01

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to wrap local decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Product\Import\Csv\Decorator*") around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/local = array( 'decorator2' )

This would add the decorator named "decorator2" defined by "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Product\Import\Csv\Decorator\Decorator2" only to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/excludes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/decorators/global


List of item domain names that should be retrieved along with the product items

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains = Array
    [attribute] => attribute
    [catalog] => catalog
    [media] => media
    [price] => price
    [product] => product
    [product/property] => product/property
    [supplier] => supplier
    [text] => text
  • Default:
  • Type: array - Associative list of MShop item domain names
  • Since: 2018.04

For efficient processing, the items associated to the products can be fetched to, minimizing the number of database queries required. To be most effective, the list of item domain names should be used in the mapping configuration too, so the retrieved items will be used during the import.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


Directory where the CSV files are stored which should be imported

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location = product
  • Default: product
  • Type: string - Relative path to the CSV files
  • Since: 2015.08

It's the relative path inside the "fs-import" virtual file system configuration. The default location of the "fs-import" file system is:

  • Laravel: ./storage/import/
  • TYPO3: /uploads/tx_aimeos/.secure/import/

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


List of mappings between the position in the CSV file and item keys

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping = Array
    [item] => Array
            [0] => product.code
            [1] => product.label
            [2] => product.type
            [3] => product.status

    [text] => Array
            [4] => text.type
            [5] => text.content
            [6] => text.type
            [7] => text.content

    [media] => Array
            [8] => media.url

    [price] => Array
            [9] => price.currencyid
            [10] => price.quantity
            [11] => price.value
            [12] => price.taxrate

    [attribute] => Array
            [13] => product.lists.type
            [14] => attribute.code
            [15] => attribute.type

    [product] => Array
            [16] => product.code
            [17] => product.lists.type

    [property] => Array
            [18] =>
            [19] =>

    [catalog] => Array
            [20] => catalog.code
            [21] => catalog.lists.type

  • Default:
        [item] => Array
                [0] => product.code
                [1] => product.label
                [2] => product.type
                [3] => product.status
        [text] => Array
                [4] => text.type
                [5] => text.content
                [6] => text.type
                [7] => text.content
        [media] => Array
                [8] => media.url
        [price] => Array
                [9] => price.currencyid
                [10] => price.quantity
                [11] => price.value
                [12] => price.taxrate
        [attribute] => Array
                [13] => product.lists.type
                [14] => attribute.code
                [15] => attribute.type
        [product] => Array
                [16] => product.code
                [17] => product.lists.type
        [property] => Array
                [18] =>
                [19] =>
        [catalog] => Array
                [20] => catalog.code
                [21] => catalog.lists.type
  • Type: array - Associative list of processor names and lists of key/position pairs
  • Since: 2018.04

The importer have to know which data is at which position in the CSV file. Therefore, you need to specify a mapping between each position and the MShop domain item key (e.g. "product.code") it represents.

You can use all domain item keys which are used in the fromArray() methods of the item classes.

These mappings are grouped together by their processor names, which are responsible for importing the data, e.g. all mappings in "item" will be processed by the base product importer while the mappings in "text" will be imported by the text processor.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


Maximum number of CSV rows to import at once

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size = 1000
  • Default: 1000
  • Type: integer - Number of rows
  • Since: 2018.04

It's more efficient to read and import more than one row at a time to speed up the import. Usually, the bigger the chunk that is imported at once, the less time the importer will need. The downside is that the amount of memory required by the import process will increase as well. Therefore, it's a trade-off between memory consumption and import speed.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines


Names of the product list types for media that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes = 
  • Type: array|null - List of product list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

If you want to associate media items manually via the administration interface to products and don't want these to be touched during the import, you can specify the product list types for these media that shouldn't be updated or removed.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Class name of the used product suggestions scheduler controller implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the class name
  • Since: 2015.01

Each default job controller can be replace by an alternative imlementation. To use this implementation, you have to set the last part of the class name as configuration value so the controller factory knows which class it has to instantiate.

For example, if the name of the default class is


and you want to replace it with your own version named


then you have to set the this configuration option:

 controller/jobs/product/import/csv/name = Mycsv

The value is the last part of your own class name and it's case sensitive, so take care that the configuration value is exactly named like the last part of the class name.

The allowed characters of the class name are A-Z, a-z and 0-9. No other characters are possible! You should always start the last part of the class name with an upper case character and continue only with lower case characters or numbers. Avoid chamel case names like "MyCsv"!


Names of the product list types for prices that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes = 
  • Type: array|null - List of product list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

If you want to associate price items manually via the administration interface to products and don't want these to be touched during the import, you can specify the product list types for these prices that shouldn't be updated or removed.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/attribute/listtypes = 


Name of the attribute processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/attribute/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Attribute\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/catalog/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
    [1] => promotion
  • Default:
        [0] => default
        [1] => promotion


Name of the catalog processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/catalog/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Catalog\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/media/listtypes = 


Name of the media processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/media/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Media\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/price/listtypes = 


Name of the price processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/price/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Price\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/product/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
    [1] => suggestion
  • Default:
        [0] => default
        [1] => suggestion


Name of the product processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/product/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Product\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Name of the property processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/property/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Property\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Name of the stock processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/stock/name = 
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Stock\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/supplier/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
  • Default:
        [0] => default
        [1] => promotion


Name of the supplier processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/supplier/name = 
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2020.07

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Supplier\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/text/listtypes = 


Name of the text processor implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/processor/text/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the processor class name
  • Since: 2015.10

Use "Myname" if your class is named "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Product\Import\Csv\Processor\Text\Myname". The name is case-sensitive and you should avoid camel case names like "MyName".


Names of the product list types that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
    [1] => suggestion
  • Default:
        [0] => default
        [1] => suggestion
  • Type: array|null - List of product list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

Aimeos offers associated items like "bought together" products that are automatically generated by other job controllers. These relations shouldn't normally be overwritten or deleted by default during the import and this confiuration option enables you to specify the list types that should be updated or removed if not available in the import file.

Contrary, if you don't generate any relations automatically in the shop and want to import those relations too, you can set the option to null to update all associated items.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Separator between multiple values in one CSV field

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator = 
  • Default:
  • Type: string - Unique character or characters in field values
  • Since: 2015.05

In Aimeos, fields of some CSV columns can contain multiple values which are split and imported as separate values. This setting configures the character that is used for splitting the values and by default, a new line character (\n) is used.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Number of rows skipped in front of each CSV files

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/skip-lines = 1
  • Default: 0
  • Type: integer - Number of rows
  • Since: 2015.08

Some CSV files contain header information describing the content of the column values. These data is for informational purpose only and can't be imported into the database. Using this option, you can define the number of lines that should be left out before the import begins.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/cleanup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/mapping
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/max-size


Names of the supplier list types that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes = Array
    [0] => default
  • Default:
        [0] => default
  • Type: array|null - List of supplier list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2020.07

Aimeos offers associated items like "bought together" suppliers that are automatically generated by other job controllers. These relations shouldn't normally be overwritten or deleted by default during the import and this confiuration option enables you to specify the list types that should be updated or removed if not available in the import file.

Contrary, if you don't generate any relations automatically in the shop and want to import those relations too, you can set the option to null to update all associated items.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes


Names of the product list types for texts that are updated or removed

controller/jobs/product/import/csv/text/listtypes = 
  • Type: array|null - List of product list type names or null for all
  • Since: 2015.05

If you want to associate text items manually via the administration interface to products and don't want these to be touched during the import, you can specify the product list types for these texts that shouldn't be updated or removed.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/separator
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/attribute/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/catalog/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/media/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/price/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/product/listtypes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/csv/supplier/listtypes



Name of the backup for sucessfully imported files

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/backup = 
  • Type: integer - Name of the backup file, optionally with date/time placeholders
  • Since: 2019.04

After a XML file was imported successfully, you can move it to another location, so it won't be imported again and isn't overwritten by the next file that is stored at the same location in the file system.

You should use an absolute path to be sure but can be relative path if you absolutely know from where the job will be executed from. The name of the new backup location can contain placeholders understood by the PHP DateTime::format() method (with percent signs prefix) to create dynamic paths, e.g. "backup/%Y-%m-%d" which would create "backup/2000-01-01". For more information about the date() placeholders, please have a look into the PHP documentation of the format() method.

Note: If no backup name is configured, the file will be removed!

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/max-query


Excludes decorators added by the "common" option from the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/excludes = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2019.04

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to remove a decorator added via "controller/jobs/common/decorators/default" before they are wrapped around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/excludes = array( 'decorator1' )

This would remove the decorator named "decorator1" from the list of common decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator*") added via "controller/jobs/common/decorators/default" to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/global
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/local


Adds a list of globally available decorators only to the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/global = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2019.04

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to wrap global decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator*") around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/global = array( 'decorator1' )

This would add the decorator named "decorator1" defined by "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Common\Decorator\Decorator1" only to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/excludes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/local


Adds a list of local decorators only to the product import CSV job controller

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/local = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of decorator names
  • Since: 2019.04

Decorators extend the functionality of a class by adding new aspects (e.g. log what is currently done), executing the methods of the underlying class only in certain conditions (e.g. only for logged in users) or modify what is returned to the caller.

This option allows you to wrap local decorators ("\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Product\Import\Xml\Decorator*") around the job controller.

 controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/local = array( 'decorator2' )

This would add the decorator named "decorator2" defined by "\Aimeos\Controller\Jobs\Product\Import\Xml\Decorator\Decorator2" only to the job controller.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/common/decorators/default
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/excludes
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/decorators/global


List of item domain names that should be retrieved along with the attribute items

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/domains = Array
    [attribute] => attribute
    [attribute/property] => attribute/property
    [catalog] => catalog
    [media] => media
    [media/property] => media/property
    [price] => price
    [price/property] => price/property
    [product] => product
    [product/property] => product/property
    [supplier] => supplier
    [text] => text
  • Default:
  • Type: array - Associative list of MShop item domain names
  • Since: 2019.04

For efficient processing, the items associated to the products can be fetched to, minimizing the number of database queries required. To be most effective, the list of item domain names should be used in the mapping configuration too, so the retrieved items will be used during the import.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/max-query


Directory where the CSV files are stored which should be imported

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/location = /var/www/aimeos/ext/ai-controller-jobs/tests/Controller/Jobs/Xml/Import/_testfiles
  • Default: product
  • Type: string - Relative path to the XML files
  • Since: 2019.04

It's the relative path inside the "fs-import" virtual file system configuration. The default location of the "fs-import" file system is:

  • Laravel: ./storage/import/
  • TYPO3: /uploads/tx_aimeos/.secure/import/

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/max-query


Maximum number of XML nodes processed at once

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/max-query = 100
  • Default: 100
  • Type: integer - Number of XML nodes
  • Since: 2019.04

Processing and fetching several attribute items at once speeds up importing the XML files. The more items can be processed at once, the faster the import. More items also increases the memory usage of the importer and thus, this parameter should be low enough to avoid reaching the memory limit of the PHP process.

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/backup


Class name of the used product suggestions scheduler controller implementation

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/name = Standard
  • Default: Standard
  • Type: string - Last part of the class name
  • Since: 2019.04

Each default job controller can be replace by an alternative imlementation. To use this implementation, you have to set the last part of the class name as configuration value so the controller factory knows which class it has to instantiate.

For example, if the name of the default class is


and you want to replace it with your own version named


then you have to set the this configuration option:

 controller/jobs/product/import/xml/name = Myxml

The value is the last part of your own class name and it's case sensitive, so take care that the configuration value is exactly named like the last part of the class name.

The allowed characters of the class name are A-Z, a-z and 0-9. No other characters are possible! You should always start the last part of the class name with an upper case character and continue only with lower case characters or numbers. Avoid chamel case names like "MyXml"!


Replace products with the same reference code

controller/jobs/product/import/xml/replace = 
  • Default: ``
  • Type: boolean - TRUE to replace products, FALSE to update products
  • Since: 2024.07

If set to TRUE, products with the same code in the "ref" attribute will be replaced completely without fetching the existing product items first. This only works with document oriented storages like ElasticSearch!

See also:

  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/backup
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/domains
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/location
  • controller/jobs/product/import/xml/max-query


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