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Common address



List of delivery address input fields that are optional

client/html/common/address/delivery/hidden = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of delivery address fields that are hidden when a customer enters his delivery address. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • email
  • website

Caution: Only hide fields that don't require any input

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/delivery/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/optional
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • common/countries
  • common/states


List of delivery address input fields that are required

client/html/common/address/delivery/mandatory = Array
    [0] => firstname
    [1] => lastname
    [2] => address1
    [3] => postal
    [4] => city
    [5] => languageid
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of delivery address fields that are necessary and must be filled by the customer before he can continue the checkout process. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • email
  • website

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/delivery/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/optional
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/hidden
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • common/countries
  • common/states


List of delivery address input fields that are optional

client/html/common/address/delivery/optional = Array
    [0] => salutation
    [1] => company
    [2] => vatid
    [3] => address2
    [4] => countryid
    [5] => state
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of delivery address fields that customers can fill but don't have to before they can continue the checkout process. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • email
  • website
  • nostore

Using the "nostore" field displays the option to avoid storing the delivery address permanently in the customer account.

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/delivery/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/hidden
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • common/countries
  • common/states



List of payment address input fields that are optional and should be hidden

client/html/common/address/payment/hidden = Array
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of payment address fields that are hidden when a customer enters his new payment address. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • mobile
  • email
  • website

Caution: Only hide fields that don't require any input

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/payment/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/payment/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/payment/optional
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • common/countries
  • common/states


List of payment address input fields that are required

client/html/common/address/payment/mandatory = Array
    [0] => firstname
    [1] => lastname
    [2] => address1
    [3] => postal
    [4] => city
    [5] => languageid
    [6] => email
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of payment address fields that are necessary and must be filled by the customer before he can continue the checkout process. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • mobile
  • email
  • website

Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as "client/html/common/address/payment/mandatory" starting from 2014-03.

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/payment/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/payment/optional
  • client/html/common/address/payment/hidden
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • common/countries
  • common/states


List of payment address input fields that are optional

client/html/common/address/payment/optional = Array
    [0] => salutation
    [1] => company
    [2] => vatid
    [3] => address2
    [4] => countryid
    [5] => state
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of field keys
  • Since: 2015.02

You can configure the list of payment address fields that customers can fill but don't have to before they can continue the checkout process. Available field keys are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • mobile
  • email
  • website

Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as "client/html/common/address/payment/optional" starting from 2014-03.

See also:

  • client/html/checkout/standard/address/payment/disable-new
  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/payment/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/payment/hidden
  • client/html/common/address/salutations
  • common/countries
  • common/states


List of salutions the customers can select from in the HTML frontend

client/html/common/address/salutations = Array
    [0] => 
    [1] => mr
    [2] => ms
  • Default:
  • Type: array - List of available salutation codes
  • Since: 2024.04
  • Since: 2021.04

The following salutations are available:

  • empty string for "unknown"
  • company
  • mr
  • ms

You can modify the list of salutation codes and remove the ones which shouldn't be used or add new ones.

See also:

  • common/countries
  • common/states
  • client/html/account/profile/address/salutations


List of regular expressions to validate the data of the address fields

client/html/common/address/validate = 
  • Type: array - Associative list of field names and regular expressions
  • Since: 2014.09

To validate the address input data of the customer, an individual Perl compatible regular expression can be applied to each field. Available fields are:

  • company
  • vatid
  • salutation
  • firstname
  • lastname
  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • postal
  • city
  • state
  • languageid
  • countryid
  • telephone
  • telefax
  • mobile
  • email
  • website

Some fields are validated automatically because they are not dependent on a country specific rule. These fields are:

  • salutation
  • email
  • website

To validate e.g the postal/zip code, you can define a regular expression like this if you want to allow only digits:

 client/html/common/address/validate/postal = '^[0-9]+$'

Several regular expressions can be defined line this:

 client/html/common/address/validate = array(
     'postal' = '^[0-9]+$',
     'vatid' = '^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{8}$',

Don't add any delimiting characters like slashes (/) to the beginning or the end of the regular expression. They will be added automatically. Any slashes inside the expression must be escaped by backlashes, i.e. "/".

Until 2015-02, the configuration option was available as "client/html/common/address/payment/validate" starting from 2014-09.

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/payment/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/payment/optional
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/mandatory
  • client/html/common/address/delivery/optional


Regular expression to check the "address1" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/address1 = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "address2" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/address2 = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "address3" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/address3 = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "city" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/city = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "company" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/company = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "countryid" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/countryid = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "email" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/email = ^.+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*$
  • Default: ^.+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*$

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "firstname" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/firstname = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "languageid" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/languageid = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "lastname" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/lastname = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "mobile" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/mobile = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "postal" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/postal = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "salutation" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/salutation = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "state" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/state = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "telefax" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/telefax = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "telephone" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/telephone = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "title" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/title = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "vatid" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/vatid = 

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


Regular expression to check the "website" address value

client/html/common/address/validate/website = ^([a-z]+://)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)+(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$
  • Default: ^([a-z]+://)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)+(:[0-9]+)?(/.*)?$

See also:

  • client/html/common/address/validate
  • client/html/common/address/validate


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