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Extend managers

Usually, it's only rarely necessary to extend existing managers and items because most of the data can be associated to items via the list tables. The data can then be stored as attributes, texts or properties (in case of product items) instead.

To extend or overwrite existing classes, you have to:

  • Extend the database table (refer to schema updates)
  • Create a new class in your project specific Aimeos extension
  • Store the class file in the ./src/ directory
  • Use the same directory structure as for the original class below the ./src/ directory, e.g. ./src/MShop/Product/Manager/
  • Give it a different name as the original class, e.g. Myproject
  • Extend from the original class

Database setup#

If you need to store e.g. an arbitrary ID to another system in your product table, you can extend the existing table by adding a new field like described in the article about modifying existing tables.

Let's name the new field "someid". Add a new ./<yourext>/setup/default/schema/product.php file to your extension that adds your new column to the mshop_product table:

return array(
  'table' => array(
    'mshop_product' => function ( \Aimeos\Upscheme\Schema\Table $table ) {
        $table->string( 'someid', 32 )->null( true );


The new column must be nullable, that means it must allow NULL values!

To create the new column in the database, you have to execute the setup tasks:

php artisan aimeos:setup
php vendor/bin/typo3 aimeos:setup (or via the update script in the extension manager)

Easy way#

Since 2019.10 it's possible to add new columns by extending the database table and a manager decorator only. The example will use the product manager but you can extend all managers in the same way.

Implementing decorators is a great way to dynamically extend managers without inheriting from the existing manager class. Instead, you can wrap multiple decorators around a manager object like the layers of an onion. In each decorator, you can implement additional code that changes the parameters or the result of the manager method or performs additional actions.

Manager decorator#

You need to create a decorator for the product manager that will care about the new column(s). A decorator has the advantage that you can add multiple decorators on top of the manager and 3rd party extensions can do that too.

Your new product manager decorator class should be located in ./<yourext>/src/MShop/Product/Manager/Decorator/Myproject.php and should contain:

namespace Aimeos\MShop\Product\Manager\Decorator;

class Myproject extends \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Manager\Decorator\Base
    private $attr = [
        'mycolumn' => [
            'internalcode' => 'mpro."mycolumn"',
            'label' => 'My new column',
            'type' => 'string', // optional

    public function getSaveAttributes() : array
        return parent::getSaveAttributes() + $this->createAttributes( $this->attr );

    public function getSearchAttributes( bool $sub = true ) : array
        return parent::getSearchAttributes( $sub ) + $this->createAttributes( $this->attr );

The $attr array contains a definition of the column(s) and the requirements are:

  • The key must be exactly the name of your column in the database (here: 'mycolumn')
  • The value for internalcode must be SQL alias of the table, a dot and the column name enclosed in quotation marks (here: 'mpro."mycolumn"')


For the SQL alias you have to use, please have a at into the SELECT statement of the domain in the configuration.

The other values in the $attr array are optional:

  • label is an arbitrary string that is shown in admin interface in the search bar
  • type is the type of the values that the column contains (default: 'string') and can be:
    • bool
    • date
    • datetime
    • decimal
    • float
    • int
    • json
    • string

As last step, you have to add your decorator name to the list of local decorators for that manager in the ./<yourext>/config/mshop.php file. For the product manager it's:

return [
    'product' => [
        'manager' => [
            'decorators' => [
                'local' => ['Myproject']

Item properties#

Afterwards, you can access the values of your new columns in the item using:

$item->get( 'mycolumn', '<default value>' );

You can also register new methods in each item class which transforms the values to enforcing types for example:

\Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item\Standard::macro( 'getMycolumn', function() {
    return (int) $this->get( 'mycolumn' );
} );

\Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item\Standard::macro( 'setMycolumn', function( $value ) {
    return $this->set( 'mycolumn', (int) $value );
} );

It's also possible to add new methods that combine several values like:

\Aimeos\MShop\Customer\Item\Standard::macro( 'getFullName', function() {
    return $this->get( 'customer.firstname' ) . ' ' . $this->get( 'customer.lastname' );
} );

Custom way#

To have full control over the implementation including those of the item, you need to do a bit more.


The skeleton for your new product item class would be located in ./<yourext>/src/MShop/Product/Item/Myproject.php and should contain:

namespace Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item;

class Myproject extends Standard
    private $myvalues;

    public function __construct( array $values, ... )
        parent::__construct( $values, ... )
        $this->myvalues = $values;

    public function getMyId() : string
        if( isset( $this->myvalues['myid'] ) ) {
            return (string) $this->myvalues['myid'];
        return '';

    public function setMyId( ?string $val ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Iface
        if( (string) $val !== $this->getMyId() )
            $this->values['myid'] = (string) $myid;
        return $this;

    public function fromArray( array &$list, bool $private = false ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Iface
        $unknown = [];
        $item = parent::fromArray( $list, $private );

        foreach( $list as $key => $value )
            switch( $key )
                case 'myid': $item = $item->setMyId( $value ); break;
                default: continue 2;
            unset( $list[$key] );

        return $item;

    public function toArray( bool $private = false ) : array
        $list = parent::toArray( $private );

        if( $private === true ) {
            $list['myid'] = $this->getMyId();

        return $list;

The fromArray() and toArray() methods are important if you need to manage your new properties via the admin interface. By using calls of the parent class you can use the existing code and only add new code for your own property.


Your new product manager class should be stored in ./<yourext>/src/MShop/Product/Manager/Myproject.php and usually contains:

namespace Aimeos\MShop\Product\Manager;

class Myproject extends Standard
    private $searchConfig = [
        'product.myvalue' => [
            'internalcode' => 'mpro."myval"',
            'label' => 'Product MyValue',
            'type' => 'string', // int, float, etc.

    public function save( $items, bool $fetch = true )
        foreach( map( $items ) as $item ) {
            // a modified copy of the code from the parent class
            // extended by an additional bind() call
        return $items;

    public function getSearchAttributes( bool $withsub = true ) : array
        return parent::getSearchAttributes( $withsub ) + $this->createAttributes( $this->attr );

    protected function createItemBase( array $values = [], array $listItems = [],
        array $refItems = [], array $propertyItems = [] ) : \Aimeos\MShop\Common\Item\Iface
        return new \Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item\Myproject( $values, $listItems, $refItems, $propertyItems );

The $searchConfig and getSearchAttributes() method will allow you to use the defined code (product.myvalue) in search criteria expressions passed to search().

You also need to add a new SQL SELECT statement to the configuration, so the values are fetched from the database.


Your new manager won't be used until you tell the corresponding factory that it should use the Myproject manager instead of the Standard one. Thus, create a new file ./<yourext>/config/mshop.php:

return [
    'product' => [
        'manager' => [
            'name' => 'Myproject',
            'insert' => [
                'ansi' => 'INSERT ... (with new column)',
            'update' => [
                'ansi' => 'UPDATE ... (with new column)',
            'search' => [
                'ansi' => 'SELECT ... (with new column)',
                'mysql' => 'SELECT ... (with new column)',

The configuration of the new manager class does also work for sub-managers like the product lists type and all other sub-managers by using mshop/<domain>/manager/<submanager>/<submanager>/name instead, e.g. mshop/product/manager/lists/type/name.

By adding a new SQL SELECT statement for mshop/product/manager/search/ansi and mshop/product/manager/search/mysql, the manager will care about retrieving the new column values and push them into your new item class you create in createItemBase() of your manager class. You can see the standard SQL statements for the product manager in the product manager configuration of the Aimeos core.

Search functions#

It's not possible to e.g. use a column name as argument for conditions, only fixed values. This would be only possible in SQL but e.g. not in other storages like ElasticSearch. To support all type of storages, you have to add a "search function" like in the product manager.

It can contain storage (SQL) specific code and to compare two columns in the mshop_stock table for example you need to add this to your custom manager:

'product:check' => [
    'code' => 'product:check()',
    'internalcode' => '(mpro."code" <> mpro."label)"',
    'label' => 'Low stock levels',
    'type' => 'boolean',
    'internaltype' => 'boolean',
    'public' => false,

Then, you can add this condition by using:

$filter->add( $filter->make( 'product:check', [] ), '==', true )

This will create a MySQL query like:

SELECT * FROM mshop_product WHERE (mpro."code" <> mpro."label") = 1

And in PostgreSQL it will be:

SELECT * FROM mshop_product WHERE (mpro."code" <> mpro."label") = true

Because the expression in internalcode is always compared to some value, it must return something that is comparable to a value or NULL. In this case it's a boolean true/false value but in other cases, you need to add a subquery in internalcode to match that need and compare against a (not) NULL value.

There's also more information available about how to use search functions.


All test class must be in the ./<yourext>/tests/ directory using the same directory structure as in ./src/, e.g. ./<yourext>/tests/MShop/Product/Item/MyprojectTest.php the ...Test.php extension is important so PHPUnit will recognize these files as test classes. For items, they usually consist of

namespace Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item;

class MyprojectTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    private $object;

    protected function setUp() : void
        $values = ['myvalue' => 'test'];
        $this->object = new \Aimeos\MShop\Product\Item\Myproject( $values );

    public function testGetMyValue()
        $this->assertEquals( 'test', $this->object->getMyValue() );

    public function testSetMyValue()
        $this->object->setMyValue( 'test2' );
        $this->assertEquals( 'test2', $this->object->getMyValue() );
        $this->assertTrue( $this->object->isModified() );

    public function testFromArray()
        $this->object->fromArray( ['product.myvalue' => '123'] );
        $this->assertEquals( '123', $this->object->getMyValue() );

    public function testToArray()
        $list = $this->object->toArray();
        $this->assertEquals( 'test', $list['product.myvalue'] );

For your new manager, you should also test the methods you've implemented:

namespace Aimeos\MShop\Product\Manager;

class MyprojectTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    private $object;

    protected function setUp() : void
        $context = \TestHelperMShop::context();
        $this->object = new \Aimeos\MShop\Product\Manager\Standard( $context );

    public function testSaveItem()
        // modified test method of the "StandardTest" class with your new property

    public function testGetSearchAttributes()
        $list = $this->object->getSearchAttributes();
        $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'product.myvalue', $list );

To test your extension, you have to

  • checkout the Aimeos core in a separate directory
  • run composer update to install the required dependencies
  • configure your database in ./config/resources.php
  • store your new extension in the ./ext/ sub-directory e.g. as ./ext/my-myproject/
  • execute ./vendor/bin/phing setup to create the tables and add the unittest data
  • execute ./vendor/bin/phing -Ddir=ext/me-myproject testext to run your tests


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