Customer subscriptions
Customers can view and delete their own subscriptions using the JSON REST API, but they need to authenticate themselves first. Creating subscriptions is only possible by buying a subscription product. Modifying subscriptions by the user is not allowed for security reasons.
The way how a user is authenticated depends very much on the PHP framework you use. Please have a look into the documentation of your framework of choice, e.g. at Laravel Passport/Sanctum or Symfony Guard.
Before you can retrieve the available subscriptions, you must get the resource endpoint via the OPTIONS request. Depending on the used routes it might be something like this:
curl -X OPTIONS 'http://localhost:8000/jsonapi'
The customer response returns the URLs for managing subscriptions:
"meta": {
"prefix": null,
"resources": {
"subscription": "http://localhost:8000/jsonapi/subscription"
Fetch subscriptions#
Retrieving the subscriptions of the customer requires a GET request to the subscription endpoint, e.g.:
curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt \
-X GET 'http://localhost:8000/jsonapi/subscription'
fetch(response['links']['subscription']['href']).then(result => {
if(!result.ok) {
throw new Error(`Response error: ${response.status}`)
return result.json()
}).then(result => {
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: response['links']['subscription']['href']
}).done( function( result ) {
console.log( );
When at least one subscription is available, the response will be similar to this one:
"meta": {
"total": 1,
"prefix": null,
"content-baseurl": "http://localhost:8000/",
"content-baseurls": {
"fs-media": "http://localhost:8000/aimeos",
"fs-mimeicon": "http://localhost:8000/vendor/shop/mimeicons",
"fs-theme": "http://localhost:8000/vendor/shop/themes"
"csrf": {
"name": "_token",
"value": "..."
"links": {
"self": "http://localhost:8000/jsonapi/subscription"
"data": [{
"id": "1",
"type": "subscription",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8000/jsonapi/subscription?id=1",
"allow": ["DELETE","GET"]
"attributes": {
"subscription.orderid": "1",
"subscription.ordprodid": "2",
"subscription.productid": "3",
"subscription.datenext": "2000-01-01 00:00:00",
"subscription.dateend": null,
"subscription.interval": "P0Y1M0D0H",
"subscription.period": 1,
"subscription.status": 1,
"subscription.reason": null
Delete subscriptions#
Removing subscriptions from the user account is also possible by executing a DELETE request to the URL of the subscription. In the response from the GET request, the URL is:
You can build a DELETE request like this:
curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt \
-X DELETE 'http://localhost:8000/jsonapi/subscription?id=1&_token=...'
let url = response['data'][0]['links']['self']['href'] // from customer subscription response
if(response['meta']['csrf']) { // add CSRF token if available and therefore required
const csrf = {}
csrf[response['meta']['csrf']['name']] = response['meta']['csrf']['value']
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + window.param(csrf) // from
fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE"
}).then(result => {
if(!result.ok) {
throw new Error(`Response error: ${response.status}`)
return result.json()
}).then(result => {
var url = response['data'][0]['links']['self']['href']; // from customer subscription response
if(response['meta']['csrf']) { // add CSRF token if available and therefore required
var csrf = {};
csrf[response['meta']['csrf']['name']] = response['meta']['csrf']['value'];
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + $.param(csrf);
url: url,
method: "DELETE",
dataType: "json"
}).done( function( result ) {
console.log( result );
Then, the subscription identified by its ID is removed from the customer's account.