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Common partials


Relative path to the product attribute partial template file

client/html/common/partials/attribute = common/partials/attribute
  • Default: common/partials/attribute
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2016.01

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The attribute partial creates an HTML block for a list of optional product attributes a customer can select from.

The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/partials/ folder of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "partials/attribute.php".

See also:

  • client/html/common/partials/selection


Relative path to the badges partial template file

client/html/common/partials/badges = common/partials/badges
  • Default: common/partials/badges
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2022.04

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The badges partial creates an HTML block for the product badges.

The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/common/partials/ folder of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "common/partials/badges.php".


Relative path to the media partial template file

client/html/common/partials/media = 
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2015.08

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The media partial creates an HTML block of for images, video, audio or other documents.

The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/partials/ folder of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "common/partials/media.php".


Relative path to the price partial template file

client/html/common/partials/price = common/partials/price
  • Default: common/partials/price
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2015.04

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The price partial creates an HTML block for a list of price items.

The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/partials/ folder of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "partials/price.php".


Relative path to the products partial template file

client/html/common/partials/products = common/partials/products
  • Default: common/partials/products
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2017.01

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The products partial creates an HTML block for a product listing.


Relative path to the variant attribute partial template file

client/html/common/partials/selection = common/partials/selection
  • Default: common/partials/selection
  • Type: string - Relative path to the template file
  • Since: 2015.04

Partials are templates which are reused in other templates and generate reoccuring blocks filled with data from the assigned values. The selection partial creates an HTML block for a list of variant product attributes assigned to a selection product a customer must select from.

The partial template files are usually stored in the templates/partials/ folder of the core or the extensions. The configured path to the partial file must be relative to the templates/ folder, e.g. "common/partials/selection".

See also:

  • client/html/common/partials/attribute


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